How was Osho


Osho lived luxuriously both on outer and inner level. Throughout his life, he worked for the formation of new man who will be a poet, a scientist and a mystic altogether.He spoke on his own authority, mesmerising tone and a unique clarity. His life can be divided into three phases:childhood, adolescent period in which he claimed himself to have become enlightened, roamed throughout the nation searching for genuine seekers, late phase in which he guided his 10000 disciples into the meditations in the ashram resting unto life.

Birth and childhood:

Osho was born on 11 December, 1931 in kuchwada, a small village located in Madhya pardeshi. He was eldest son among 11 of Babulal and saraswati Jain who was a cloth merchant. However, according to osho in his some articles he was secretly adopted. He was a brilliant student and a gifted debater. However he lived with his ‘nani and nana’ that is maternal grandparents.

House where osho spent his childhood

Osho’s nani

His childhood image

He was quite rebellious and inquiresome child. His maternal grandfather died when he was seven giving him a depth and flash of death. He used to go graveyards in the midnight to know death and received satori at the age of 14 and enlightenment under a maulshree tree at 21.He studied philosophy although unregarded and supported by parents.He won national debate championship.

After 1960:

Osho starts preaching and undertaking a 3-10 days camp through out India gathering 50000 people at a time. His teachings were contemporary and attracted educated section of society. He has unbroken record of speaking 3500 hours and 650 books entitled. He was now popularly known as Acharya rajneesh and settled a massive 210 acres ashram in pune.

After 1974 phase

Osho was popularly known as bhagwan by his disciples and his speech became more focused on meditations. His disciples bought him 93 rolls Royces and a huge auditorium, library, gardens etc. He is said to have read 200000 books through out his life!!!

Osho in his library

Osho in one of his rolls royces

He was a daring soul, a perfect enlightened compassionate master that could be. He fully supported technology, shook the world, religion and our beliefs regarding spirituality.He started Neo-sannyas and jivan jagruti movements.

Osho teachings:

His ten commandments:

  1. Never obey anyone's command unless it is coming from you.
  2. There is no God other than life itself.
  3. Truth is within you, do not search it for elsewhere.
  4. Love is prayer.
  5. To become a nothingness is the path to door.
  6. Life is now and here.
  7. Live wakeful.
  8. Do not swim, float.
  9. Die each moment, so you can be alive the next moment.
  10. Do not search, that which is, is stop and see.
  • Osho commented profound discourses on spiritual leaders and sects such as buddha, Zen, boddhidharma,zarathustra,dadu, raidas, mera, krishna, ashtavakra, shiva, mahavira, yoga, tantra, and a lot others.
  • He taught 112 meditations to make the humanity enlightened.
  • He wanted a combination of buddha and Einstein which he named Zorba the buddha.
  • He hammered on ego as a non-entity and described mind as the source of all miseries and stupidities and stressed on awakening the witness.
  • He said that enlightenment is the ultimate end of a seeker and awareness is the sacred key.
  • Meditation is contentless consciousness and not concentration.
  • From sex to superconsciousness, from mundane to divine, everything is divine for me.
  • Meditation is not something to be believed but something to be experimented and experienced.
    • He was a meditation legend who devised thousands of it for every type of people and consciousness. Great bow to him…. He is a shining dhruva in the whole galaxy of all buddhas and masters ever walked on the earth.

He died on 19 January, 1990, leaving his mortal body forever but promised of his presence. He told that during his stay in us jail, he was fed thorium and undergone through radiations subtle enough not to be noticed. Surprisingly, he took the promise from his disciples that his death will be celebrated as an enlightened one never dies.

Let's have a look at some of his quotes:

Thanks for reading.


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