Osho Meditation

Osho meditation is an opportunity to feel the unknown, to be more close to the existence, to taste the mystery.

Practicing it will open the new door of possibilities.

Possibility of freedom from the known. Possibility of a germination within you.

Yes , osho meditation techniques work, if you do it whole heartedly, with passion, and as directed. Give your 100% , with your total energy, nothing should be left behind, then you can see results if it works for you or not. To start with, if possible, it is better to participate in a three day meditation camp anywhere near your location.

Remember, osho has evolved 112 meditation techniques, you can choose which suits you. Most of techniques are one hour long and divided into three broad parts. Doing, No doing and Let-go (Happening).

First part is of doing. here you have to do totally with your all energy as directed. Second part is of no doing. In this you have to stop all your movements and be still. In first part we are doing consciously and in second part also, we are not doing but consciously. I mean we are conscious of both doing and not doing. Third part is of happening, of letting go. Stop everything and let it happen. It is the fruit of what we have done in first two parts. Neither doing nor no doing. it happens by itself.

Some of powerful osho meditations are : 

Dynamic, kundalini, NaadBrahm, Mandala, Chakara, No-mind, Sufi whirling, Anapana sati yog, Kirtan, etc.


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